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LODSD             Load String Doubleword (386)       Flags: O D I T S Z A P C


           Logic:        EAX . DWORD PTR (DS:SI)
                         if DF = 0
                             SI . SI + 4
                             SI . SI - 4

     LODSD loads a doubleword from the memory location at DS:SI into the EAX
     register. SI is then incremented if the direction flag is cleared or
     decremented if it is set.

   Operands                   Clocks   Transfers  Bytes  Example
   LODSD                      5 (386)      4        1    LODSD

        Note:          This instruction can be used with a REP prefix.
                       Load CX with the number of times to repeat the
                       instruction. You can only use LODSD on the 80386.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson